Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kelly's Bridal Shower

Me and Kelly
and now.

Three generations

Bridesmaid dresses
I hosted a bridal shower for my good friend, Kelly, whom I have known for 30 years! It was a very nice shower, and all had a great time. Brooke, Megan and I are all in the wedding, and were so relieved that our dresses all fit, since they were ordered by Kelly, sight unseen! Whew, what a relief. A month and a half to go until the big day - I can hardly wait!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Room Redo, Part I

The time had come to update the "nursery", and so, with Vance's blessing and "help" I de-wallpapered, primered, and painted the kids' entire room! (All in one day, I might add.) The room is now a soft blue, and awaiting the dragon mural I promised Vance. To be fair, I will be adding a princess to keep Ainsley happy as well. The final stage in the room redo will be talking Kev into the new furniture and bedding I want; which will include bunk beds and a new dresser (the one we have now was from my mom's college days - yikes!). No more babies... :0(

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mommy Matters Family Picnic

Jackson loved the cupcakes!

Ethan was having fun!

Jump Sophia, jump!

Xavier's popsicle looks delish!


Last Saturday we had the Mommy Matters (mommy group) annual family picnic. It was a blast! Above is the whole group (I believe only one family is missing...).

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Last Thursday the kids and I drove down and met Kev in San Diego. He was there on business and had planned to stay overnight since he also had a quick meeting Friday morning. We got down there around 7, (the kids) enjoyed the hotel room, and then we all hit they hay. The next morning, after Kevin's appointment, we all headed over to Seaworld. Despite it being overcast, it was really hot and humid. But we still had a good time. Vance has now renewed his love and facsination for sharks.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Things You Find on a Walk:

Pretty flowers...

and pollen (on his nose),

An ivy covered fence,

A statue of David...


A creepy gargoyle,

And lastly, what you cannot see here - an interesting lady who refused to say 'hi' to us as we let the kids run on this little greenbelt in a condo complex. She acted as if we had wandered into her backyard and made ourselves at home! And so, quickly in response to this, she claimed her territory by randomly setting up folding chairs and taking her dogs on their potty breaks. (In her defense, she probably doesn't see ladies and their kids randomly show up next to her house, causing her dogs to go nuts, and letting their kids run amuck everyday...)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Megan's Single Again!

A day to celebrate! Megan is officially a Garton again, and on the market if you happen to know a good guy. We had a great and very silly time ushering her back into singlehood.